
Rakvere Ametikoolis viiakse igakuiselt läbi taarakampaaniaid, aprilli algusest juuni keskpaigani koguti taarat kahe loomaaia asuka tarvis. 15.juunil anti kampaaniast saadu üle Loomaia Sõprade Seltsile ja lisaks sai ühekoos tehtud korrastustöid loomaaia territooriumil.

On the 12th of May, our team team visited Tartu Animal Shelter in order to do something good. Helping animals was the joint resolution of the whole team just because we love and care about them.
Before the visit we found out that there are lots of items the shelter needs for they everyday work, such as blankets, towels, cleaning chemicals and mops, animal toys, food etc. So we didn´t go empty-handed.
At the time of our visit there were about 20 dogs and more than 70 cats in the shelter. Upon arrival our team was divided into smaller groups. Two groups went to the cat houses, where we cleaned cat cages, put water and food, washed the walls and floors and of course played with the animals. Other groups went to clean the doghouses and walk the dogs, so all animals got the care and attention from our side.
Besides spending time with the animals there are lots of other everyday operations to carry out in the shelter, such as groundskeeping, firewood stacking, building and renovation projects. Our job was to carry firewoods from outside to the shed and stack them. There are no impossible missions to our team so the firewood project was completed with high dedication and commitment. :)

Käisime "Teeme ära!" talgute käigus abiks G4Si heal naabril loomaaial. Sel korral saime abistada heakorratöödel ning silusime ära ühe suuremat sorti mullahunniku. Töö oli kiire ja korralik:)

Sarnaselt eelmise suvega läksime loomaaeda appi kasetriibikutele aedikuid sisustama. Uue tegevusena värvisime ka ahvide välipuure.

Tegemist oli AS Andmevara 2016. a teise ajaannetamise üritusega. Appi läksime Tallinna Loomade Varjupaigale (Varjupaikade MTÜ).
Meie ülesandeks sai varjupaika riiulite ülesseadmine, koerte aedikute lumest puhtaks rookimine, kasside ja muude pisiloomade järelt koristamine. Loomulikult sai ka koerad jalutama viidud ja kassidega mängitud. :-)
Lisaks loomi meie poolt toiduga varustatud.
Üritusel osales 10 AS Andmevara töötajat.